I have a list of items representing packages in an MVVM control.
When you hover over the tooltip it needs to go to the database for additional information, lets just call it 'PackageDetails' for simplicity. I know how to handle the database loading with a ViewModel class but I'm having trouble figuring out when to instantiate it.
Approach 1) Have a 'lazy-load' property in the 'Package' object so when the tooltip is triggered the viewmodel will be created and immediately access the database. This approach isn't ideal because each 'Package' object isn't a true viewmodel and came from WCF objects originally.
Approach 2) Use a converter as explained in this Josh Smith blog entry. His example seems to fit a converter well, but I don't think it really suits my situation well.
Approach 3) Somehow create a viewmodel in the XAML, but this seems like a bad idea.
What's a good approach to dynamically generate a viewmodel for a tooltip using MVVM ?