Hi I have a given panel
I want the center region to have a fixed minSize.
Test.Grid.Panel = {
id: 'test-grid-summary'
,layout: 'border'
,defaults: {
collapsible: true
,split: true
,border: false
items: [
region: 'center'
,collapsible: false
,layout: 'fit'
,minSize: 100 // NOT WORKING
,items: [
xtype: 'test-Grid'
,id: 'grid-test'
region: 'south'
,id: 'panel-test'
,title: 'Test'
,height: 150
,minSize: 75
,layout: 'fit'
,plugins: [Ext.ux.PanelCollapsedTitle]
When I drag the south panel up it almost hides the center panel even though it has a minSize.
Please help me with the correct settings.