
Hi I have a given panel

I want the center region to have a fixed minSize.

Test.Grid.Panel = {
    id: 'test-grid-summary'
    ,layout: 'border'
    ,defaults: {
        collapsible: true
        ,split: true
        ,border: false
    items: [
            region: 'center'
            ,collapsible: false
            ,layout: 'fit'
            ,minSize: 100   // NOT WORKING
            ,items: [
                xtype: 'test-Grid'
                ,id: 'grid-test'
            region: 'south'
            ,id: 'panel-test'
            ,title: 'Test'
            ,height: 150
            ,minSize: 75
            ,layout: 'fit'
            ,plugins: [Ext.ux.PanelCollapsedTitle]                

When I drag the south panel up it almost hides the center panel even though it has a minSize.

Please help me with the correct settings.


1 Answers


If your container have size greater than 250 (which is sum of height of south panel and minimum height of center panel) then you can set minHeight property of center panel (instead of minSize) and splitter won't allow to set height less than that value.