I´m interested in getting a specific users mailbox statistics in Exchange 2010. The purpose is to gather details about a support mailbox and the support team performance.
In my case I'd like to try and get the:
- number of received and sent mails last 24 hrs
- number of mails added to subfolder last 24 hrs
- average time emails spend in Inbox
- average time emails spend being unread
I know how to get the first part of #2 and export it to a file based on the current date, but have no idea how to limit the time frame to the last 24 hrs:
$date = (Get-Date).toString(‘yyyy-MM-dd’)
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics "username" | sort-object itemsinfolder -descending | ft Folder, FolderPath, ItemsInFolder, FolderSize -auto | export-csv -path $date.csv
Some statistics might not be supported, but I'd very much like some help with what is possible.