I've configured extjs store to load data from useragentstring.com api, this api return data like this
{"agent_type":"Browser","agent_name":"Opera","agent_version":"9.70","os_type":"Linux","os_name":"Linux","os_versionName":"","os_versionNumber":"","os_producer":"","os_producerURL":"","linux_distibution":"Null","agent_language":"English - United States","agent_languageTag":"en-us"}
Ext.define('Oms.model.Userinfo', {
extend : 'Ext.data.Model',
fields : ['agent_type', 'agent_name', 'agent_version', 'os_type', 'os_name']
Ext.define('Oms.store.Userinfo', {
extend : 'Ext.data.Store',
model : 'Oms.model.Userinfo',
proxy: {
type : 'jsonp',
reader : {
type: 'json',
root: ''
this store throws a error
maybe this happen because there is no root in this json ?
any idea how to read this output and load store correctly?