Amazon AWS DynamoDB question.
Are there any examples of using RangeKeyCondition and ComparisonOperators such as CONTAINS, IN, BETWEEN. I am trying to retrieve data based on a composite RangeKey (concatenated and delimited). For example date +author+keywords for books table. Assume the HashValue is "book" in this case (it can be book,dvd,video,link etc). I would like to select all books that contain a the keyword "magic" or all books by author "John Doe". A sample record/item would look like this:
Hash------Range----------------------------------------------------------------- attribute1 ... attributex
book------2012-1-20~john doe~adventure~magic~travel----------------description ... some stuff
In trying to use the conditional operator IN or CONTAINS , I get the following error: object(CFSimpleXML)20 public '__type' => string '' (length=45) public 'message' => string 'Attempted conditional constraint is not an indexable operation'
Couldn't find any examples using these ComparisonOperators. Any help would be greatly appreciated.