I have a Crystal Report in SAP BusinessObjects XI v12.1.0 (also known as Crystal Reports Server 3.1 I think).
The report runs fine manually and does everything it should.
I schedule the report to run, but no matter what, the reports it spawns show a status of "Pending" in the instance manager, and don't appear to actually run (I can't see a successful run or a recorded run anywhere in the Instance Manager section of InfoView.
Thanks for any help you can give!
Update: Exact Steps I'm trying
- Open SAP BusinessObjects Server InfoView webapp and login as Administrator
- Click Folders and browse to the report I'd like to schedule
- View the report to ensure that it outputs correctly (it does)
- Right-click the report and select "schedule".
- The "Schedule: [report name]" dialog opens
- Under the "schedule" section, I select the following:
- Instance Title: Leave as the default (report's name)
- Recurrence: Set as daily, every 1 days, from yesterday 5am to 10 years from now at 5am.
- Schedule For: Leave as the default ("only for myself")
- Notification: Not in use
- Database Login: Defined in custom data source
- Filters: None (there are none in the report)
- Format: Plain Text (it's supposed to be)
- Destination: Set to a custom location
- Print settings: Default (follow crystal reports preference setting)
- Events: None
- Scheduling Server: First available
- Events: Leave as the default (report's name)
- See that in the history, it shows a "recurring" report, and a "pending" version of the report.