I was trying to use the EXIF library in one of my packages. It worked before but now I get strange messages:
[DCC Fatal Error] F2051 Unit GIFImg was compiled with a different version of CCR.Exif.Consts.SOutOfResources
I don't really get it... Why Delphi tries to recompile one of its files? How do I fix this?
GifImg is located here:
c:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0\source\vcl\GIFImg.pas
I looked at the date of that file (1 PAS and 2 DCUs) and it has the same date as any other file in RAD Studio\8.0\source\vcl folder. So, the file was not accidentally modified.
This is my uses clause:
USES Windows, SysUtils, AnsiStrings, Graphics, Dialogs, Classes, jPeg,
janFX, //CCR.Exif,
GIFImageFinn {Delphi 7}
GIFImg {Delphi 2010/XE}
If I comment the CCR.EXIF unit, it starts to compile my package. So, adding EXIF to my package breaks something.