I have a collection of 1*1 polygons, each of which is defined by its boundary (a set of four points) and I use the function area() below in my code example to create these. I wish to combine such adjacent squares into a single polygon, with this polygon also defined in terms of its boundary points.
I wish to do this in a brute force fashion where I begin by adding two adjacent 1*1 squares to create a larger polygon using the function join() below and continue in this fashion in order to grow the polygon. So the first argument of join is the polygon so far and the second argument is an adjecent 1*1 square which I wish to add to the polygon. The return value is the boundary of the new polygon, current joined with the new 1*1.
Here's what I've come with so far:
def join(current, new):
""" current is the polygon, new the 1*1 square being added to it"""
return get_non_touching_part_of_boundary(current, new) + get_non_touching_part_of_boundary(new, current)
def get_non_touching_part_of_boundary(this, other):
for i,point in enumerate(this):
if point not in other and this[i-1] in other:
break # start of non touching boundary from a clockwise perspective
non_touching_part_of_boundary = []
for point in this[i:] + this[:i]:
if not point in other:
return non_touching_part_of_boundary
def area(point):
""" boundary defined in a clockwise fashion """
return [point,(point[0],point[1]+1),(point[0]+1,point[1]+1),(point[0]+1,point[1])]
a = area((0,1)) # a assigned a 1*1 polygon
a = join(a, area((0,2))) # a assigned a 2*1 polygon
a = join(a, area((1,2)))
a = join(a, area((2,2)))
a = join(a, area((2,1)))
a = join(a, area((2,0)))
This gives me the following polygon shape (with the numbers representing the order in which which its composing squares are added):
1 5
The printed output of the code above gives:
[(2, 2), (1, 2), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 3), (3, 3), (3, 0), (2, 0)]
this is the minimum number of points required to defined the boundary of the polygon.
But if I add one more square to this shape via a = join(a, area((1,0))) and thereby creating a hole, my algorithm falls to pieces:
1 5
Here's another polygon that my algorithm can't handle:
Can anyone help me? I'd like the holes in the polygon to be listed in a separate list.