Let the the following matrices be in the left handed coordinate system(Column-major)
I'm using apple's GLKMatrix4x4 structs and functions, so the math operations can assumed to be correct.
I expect that the following would produce the correct matrix.
projectionViewModel = camera.projection * camera.view * model.view
However this is incorrect, as the model starts to rotate about the camera's translation offset.
But when I do the following, the result is correct.
projectionViewModel = camera.projection * camera.inverseView * model.view
My question is, did I mess up something else where? Or is this the correct way to yield the projectionViewModel matrix?
GLKMatrix4 modelView = GLKMatrix4Multiply(*[_scene.camera inverseView],*[_frame worldMatrix]);
GLKMatrix4 projectionViewModel = GLKMatrix4Multiply(*[_scene.camera proj],modelView);