Here's are the facts:
- I have a parent table, let's call it Order. The data in this table is viewed using a DataGridView (dgvOrder).
- I have a child table, let's call it OrderDetails. The data in this table is viewed using a DataGridView (dgvOrderDetails)
- I have textboxes (and checkboxes, comboboxes, etc.) that are databound to the Order table (using BindingSource).
- I am using Visual Studio 2008.
What I want to do:
dgvOrder is read-only. I use this to browse through records ala BindingNavigator. (I like to use a DataGridView for navigating records because it is intuitive. You immediately see what the next few records are all about.)
To add new records, I use a "new" button (uxNewButton). To save my updates, I use a "save" button (uxSaveButton). Records are added using the textboxes and not directly via dgvOrder. Child records are added directly via dgvOrderDetails.
dgvOrderDetails, I guess, is pretty obvious - it contains the details of the Order (1 to many relationship).
My code and configuration:
- Hierchical Update (in the dataset designer) is set to true (by default in VS 2008)
- Relationship between Order and OrderDetail is set as "both relation and fk constraint". Update and delete are set to cascade. Accept/Reject rule is set to "none". Nested Relation is unchecked.
TableAdapterManager is dragged to the designer(tam).
private void uxNewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
private void uxSaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
this.Validate(); bsOrder.EndEdit(); bsOrderDetails.EndEdit(); tam.UpdateAll(dsOrder); //DataSet is named dsOrder. try-catch block excluded for simplicity
After filling up all the textboxes (and etc.) and the dgvOrderDetails, hitting the save button will cause an error: ForeignKeyConsraint FK_Orderchild_Order requires the child key values (-1) to exist in the parent table.
However, if I add a record directly using dgvOrder (then dgvOrderDetails), hitting the save button will save successfully.
I also found out that I can save successfully if I add new records using the textboxes but have to select a different row in dgvOrder, then selecting the current row again, before adding the records on dgvOrderDetails.
It seems like while adding a new record via the textbox, the underlying data is not synced with the DataGridView. Selecting a different row, then selecting back the current row syncs the data altogether.
I have tried various hacks in the save event like:
dgvOrder.Refresh(); //or
dgvOrder.Refresh(); // or
dgvOrder.Parent = null;
//and so on and so forth (suggetstions from Google searches)