
This one has been annoying me for a long time and having switched directly from D2007 to XE2 a few months back I can't vouch for when this may have started, but on D2007 I didn't have the issue.

The larger a unit grows, the slower it becomes to use F12 to switch between unit and form when code changes have been made. Even if you undock the form designer (back to D7 format), just clicking back into the form when code has been changed causes the BDS.exe to max out on CPU for a long time. In my case, on my largest form (30,000 lines) this can be over a minute. I'm not sure what checking is going on when reactivating the form, but if the IDE has been "told" that all is uptodate, then the switch is instantaneuos. My workaround is therefore to Ctrl+F9 to compile the form before reactivating the form. The time taken to compile is only a few seconds. I can then switch instantly to the form without issue. Compare that to the minute or more wait I endure if I don't compile before switching...

So, what are the possibilities, apart from reducing the unit size ?!

You should really consider reducing the unit size, if you have 30 k LOC units.Jens Mühlenhoff
Perhaps Andreas Hausladen's IDE Fix Pack will help with this problem too (I don't know for sure), see andy.jgknet.de/blog/ide-tools/ide-fix-pack-2009-10ain

2 Answers


There is a bug in the LiveBindings design-time package that slows down the IDE. CodeCompletion (Ctrl+Space) and switching between form and code editor is very slow.
If you don't use LiveBindings or want to test if it is really the LiveBindings design-time code, you can disable the LiveBinding packages under Component/Installed Packages.... They are Embarcadero LiveBindings Components, Embarcadero LiveBindings Components FireMonkey and Embarcadero LiveBindings Components VCL. If you disable the first, the other 2 will automatically be unloaded.

In case you use LiveBindings in your project you have to either wait for an Update or you can install the IDE Fix Pack for XE2 that also fixes this bug.


I fixed this after I installed the hotfix "RAD Studio XE Hotfix for RAID 280864 (QC 88928)".

page: https://edn.embarcadero.com/article/41312