
In the paper "The Riemann Hypothesis" by J. Brian Conrey in figure 6 there is a plot of the Fourier transform of the error term in the prime number theorem. See the plot to the left in the image below:

Plots from Conrey's paper on the Riemann hypothesis

In a blog post called Primes out of Thin Air written by Chris King there is a Matlab program that plots the spectrum. See the plot to the right at the beginning of the post. A translation into Mathematica is possible:


 scale = 10^6;
 start = 1;
 fin = 50;
 its = 490;
 xres = 600;
 y = N[Accumulate[Table[MangoldtLambda[i], {i, 1, scale}]], 10];
 x = scale;
 a = 1;
 myspan = 800;
 xres = 4000;
 xx = N[Range[a, myspan, (myspan - a)/(xres - 1)]];
 stpval = 10^4;
 F = Range[1, xres]*0;

For[t = 1, t <= xres, t++,
 For[yy=0, yy<=Log[x], yy+=1/stpval,
 F[[t]] =
 F[[t]] +
 Sin[t*myspan/xres*yy]*(y[[Floor[Exp[yy]]]] - Exp[yy])/Exp[yy/2];
 F = F/Log[x];

However, this is as I understand it the matrix formulation of the Fourier sine transform and it is therefore very costly to compute. I do NOT recommend running it because it already crashed my computer once.

Is there a way in Mathematica utilising the Fast Fourier Transform, to plot the spectrum with spikes at x-values equal to imaginary part of Riemann zeta zeros?

I have tried the commands FourierDST and Fourier without success. The problem seems to be that the variable yy in the code is included in both Sin[t*myspan/xres*yy] and (y[[Floor[Exp[yy]]]] - Exp[yy])/Exp[yy/2].

EDIT: 20.1.2012, I changed the line:

For[yy = 0, yy <= Log[x], 1/stpval++,

into the following:

For[yy = 0, yy/stpval <= Log[x], yy++,

EDIT: 22.1.2012, From Heike's comment, changed:

For[yy = 0, yy/stpval <= Log[x], yy++,


For[yy=0, yy<=Log[x], yy+=1/stpval,

You get an infinite loop because your inner For loop is stuck at yy=0. You probably need to increment yy rather than stepval in the third argument of the For loop.kglr
Thank you for the correction! The problem still persists though. This time the program runs without freezing my desktop computer but it ends with the output: No more memory available. Mathematica kernel has shut down. Try quitting other applications and then retry.Mats Granvik
@Mats: Just so you know, it's bad form to have the same question posted on two sites. You should have flagged it for moderator attention and asked to be migrated, or just deleted the question yourself before reposting over here.Simon
In the matlab code in the blog post, yy runs from 0 to log(X) with increments of 1/stpval whereas in your code yy runs from 0 to stpval Log[x] with increments of 1. You probably want to do something like For[yy=0, yy<=Log[x], yy+=1/stpval, ... ].Heike

1 Answers


What about this? I've rewritten the sine transform slightly using the identity Exp[a Log[x]]==x^a

scale = 1000000;
f = ConstantArray[0, scale];
f[[1]] = N@MangoldtLambda[1];
Monitor[Do[f[[i]] = N@MangoldtLambda[i] + f[[i - 1]], {i, 2, scale}], i]

xres = .002;
xlist = Exp[Range[0, Log[scale], xres]];
tmax = 60;
tres = .015;
Monitor[errList = Table[(xlist^(-1/2 + I t).(f[[Floor[xlist]]] - xlist)), 
  {t, Range[0, 60, tres]}];, t]

ListLinePlot[Im[errList]/Length[xlist], DataRange -> {0, 60}, 
  PlotRange -> {-.09, .02}, Frame -> True, Axes -> False]

which produces

Mathematica graphics