

  • Delphi did a non-normal shutdown.
  • When I restarted I got the messages "Could not find xxxxx.bpl - Would you like to load this next time?" (NOTE: not exact language of message; but close). It did this on a couple files.
  • Unfortunately I said "No - Don't Load on next Startup" and also did not note the specific bpl file names. I do recall they were in the CodeGear directory. This was stupid/lazy on my part.
  • Delphi loads and compiles but there is no Debugging available (basically all the options under the Run menu are disabled).
  • Under Tools->Options->Debugger Options there is no CodeGear Debuggers.

So basically I have totally disabled the debugging. Anyone know how I can get it back?

did you try enabling all packages (at leat those in CG directory) from the component menu ?M0-3E

1 Answers


First check that you did not destroy critical elements in the Windows PATH environment variable. That will prevent core elements of the IDE from loading, even if the registry settings are correct.

Next, try saving this as bdsfix.reg then run it by double-clicking it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\BDS\5.0\Known IDE Packages]
"$(BDS)\\Bin\\asmview100.bpl"="Assembly Browser Package"
"$(BDS)\\bin\\coreproide100.bpl"="Core IDE Pro Package"
"$(BDS)\\Bin\\dotnetcoreide100.bpl"=".NET Core IDE Package"
"$(BDS)\\Bin\\htmlhelp2100.bpl"="Borland HtmlHelp Viewer"
"$(BDS)\\bin\\idefilefilters100.bpl"="IDE File filters"
"$(BDS)\\bin\\plugview100.bpl"="Pluggable Tree View Package"
"$(BDS)\\bin\\refactoride100.bpl"="Borland Core Refactoring Package"
"$(BDS)\\Bin\\startpageide100.bpl"="Borland Start Page IDE Package"
"$(BDS)\\bin\\todoide100.bpl"="Borland ToDo"

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\BDS\5.0\Known IDE Packages\Delphi]
"$(BDS)\\Bin\\delphide100.bpl"="Delphi Win32 IDE Personality"
"$(BDS)\\Bin\\delphierrorinsite100.bpl"="Delphi Error Insite Package"
"$(BDS)\\Bin\\delphivclide100.bpl"="Delphi VCL Designer IDE Package"
"$(BDS)\\Bin\\TGIDE100.bpl"="Borland Together IDE Integration"

Second attempt, if the above does not work is to back up (export to .reg file from regedit) the following key and then very carefully, rename this registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\BDS\5.0 (Delphi 2007 specific)

I recommend renaming it to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\BDS\4.0 (Makes it invisible to 2007 but easily recoverable)

For more recent delphi versions, look under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Codegear or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero for a BDS sub-folder, and then a number, XE is 8.0 or XE2 is 9.0.

This will reset your local login account's delphi settings to factory install defaults. You can add back in the contents of `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\BDS\5.0\Known Packages' to get back your additional third party packages.

Update The OP was actually missing the file dbkdebugide100.bpl