I'm publishing a website by copying a fileset which should exclude .cs and other files. I've tested my NAnt script from the command line and it works fine but when it is called from CCNet, it copies all files, completely ignoring the excludes on my fileset. Any ideas what's going wrong here?
Calling my NAnt build file from from CruiseControl.Net.
The chunk of the NAnt build file that doesn't seem to work (part of my 'publish' step).
<copy todir="${publish.path}" includeemptydirs="false">
<fileset basedir="${src.path}" defaultexcludes="true">
<include name="**/**" />
<exclude name="**.csproj*"/>
<exclude name="**.cs"/>
<exclude name="**.vb"/>
<exclude name="**.sln"/>
<exclude name="**/obj/**"/>
The same NAnt file works fine when run directly from the command prompt.
nant -buildfile:test.build.xml -debug
I'm using NAnt 0.91 and CCNet 1.6.7981.1