I have a QLabel
that contains rich text.
I want to extract just the actual (visible) 'text' from the QLabel
, and none of the code for formatting.
I essentially need a function similiar to the '.toPlainText'
method of other Qt Widgets
I can not simply call .text()
and string manipulate away the html tags as suggested in this thread Get plain text from QString with HTML tags, since the returned QString
contains all the <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
How do I extract the plain text?
(I'm open to any method, even if indirect. eg; Pre-existing functions that convert html to plain text)
python 2.7.2
Windows 7
is what you need (documentation at developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/qtextcodec.html). – TonyK