I have managed to override a controls WindowProc function in order to determine more events than are supported by Builder (i.e. double middle mouse clicks etc..)
The trouble is when I override say a child components WindowProc the parent still gets the event.
In my case I have a panel which has a button parented with it. The button obscures a part of the panel but when clicking the button the parent (panel) gets the event also (haven't tested that the button gets the event also but wanted to to see if anybody had a solution for this firstly).
Is there any way that you can programatically stop the parent receiving the event or a way of determining whether the event is for the child and not the parent.
The problem I will have is that if the user presses the button the panel event and the button event will be triggered.
Please any advice will be gratefully received.
Code Example: Note that Panel and Button derive from ConfigComponent class which is where the m_kOldComponentWndMethod and ComponentWndProc method live.
Overriding the panel
CConfigComponentPanel::CConfigComponentPanel( TObject* pkParent,
const CConfigComponentDimensions& rkConfigComponentDimensions,
const CConfigComponentPos& rkConfigComponentPos,
const CConfigSelect::SelectCollection& rkSelectCollection,
TColor kBackgroundColour,
TColor kForegroundColour,
const std::string& rstrDisplayText,
const CConfigFontRef& rkConfigFontRef,
const CConfigComponent::ConfigComponentCollection& rkConfigComponentCollection )
: CConfigComponent( rkConfigComponentDimensions, rkConfigComponentPos, kBackgroundColour, kForegroundColour ),
m_pkPanel( new TPanel( ( TComponent* )NULL ) ),
m_kConfigFontRef( rkConfigFontRef ),
m_strDisplayText( rstrDisplayText )
// Set the parent.
m_pkPanel->Parent = dynamic_cast<TWinControl*>( pkParent );
if ( rkSelectCollection.size() > 0 )
// Store the old window proc method before overriding.
m_kOldComponentWndMethod = m_pkPanel->WindowProc;
m_pkPanel->WindowProc = ComponentWndProc;
// Add selects to collection
AddSelectsToCollection( rkSelectCollection );
// Add components to collection
AddConfigComponentsToCollection( rkConfigComponentCollection );
Overriding the Button
CConfigComponentButton::CConfigComponentButton( TObject* pkParent,
const CConfigSelect::SelectCollection& rkSelectCollection,
const CConfigComponentDimensions& rkConfigComponentDimensions,
const CConfigComponentPos& rkConfigComponentPos,
TColor kBackgroundColour,
TColor kForegroundColour,
const CConfigButtonBGProperties& rkConfigButtonBGProperties ):
CConfigComponent( rkConfigComponentDimensions, rkConfigComponentPos, kBackgroundColour, kForegroundColour ),
m_kConfigButtonBGProperties( rkConfigButtonBGProperties ),
m_pkButton( new TAdvToolButton( NULL ) ),
m_kSelectCollection( rkSelectCollection )
m_pkButton->Parent = dynamic_cast<TWinControl*>( pkParent );
// Store the old window proc method before overriding.
m_kOldComponentWndMethod = m_pkButton->WindowProc;
m_pkButton->WindowProc = ComponentWndProc;
The Component Wnd Proc Method ( comes in here twice once for panel and once for button )
void __fastcall CConfigComponent::ComponentWndProc( TMessage& rkMessage )const
if ( rkMessage.Msg == WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK )
(void)Application->MessageBox( "CConfigComponent::ComponentWndProc", "" );
if ( rkMessage.Msg == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK )
(void)Application->MessageBox( "ComponentWndProc::Left Button", "" );
if ( m_kOldComponentWndMethod )
m_kOldComponentWndMethod( rkMessage );
Thanks, Joe