
I'm trying to implement a composite component which either displays the information details of a user in plain text or displays them through editable input texts fields if the desired details are those of the user currently connected.

I know that al UI Components can be rendered via the rendered attribute but what about the ones which are not UI Components (for example divs)

<div class = "userDetails" rendered = "#{cc.attrs.value.id != sessionController.authUser.id}">
    Name: #{cc.attrs.value.name}
    Details: #{cc.attrs.value.details}

<div class = "userDetails" rendered = "#{cc.attrs.value.id == sessionController.authUser.id}">

I know that the div doesn't have the rendered attribute and probably I'm not taknig the right approach at all. I could very easily use an JSTL tag but I want to avoid that.


4 Answers


The right JSF component to represent a HTML <div> element is the <h:panelGroup> with the layout attribute set to block. So, this should do:

<h:panelGroup layout="block" ... rendered="#{someCondition}">

Alternatively, wrap it in an <ui:fragment>:

<ui:fragment rendered="#{someCondition}">

Or when you're already on JSF 2.2+, make it a passthrough element:

<div jsf:rendered="#{someCondition}">


Do note that when you'd like to ajax-update a conditionally rendered component, then you should be ajax-updating its parent component instead.

See also:


This has been easy since JSF 2.2. By using pass-through elements, any HTML element can be converted to a JSF component, which has the rendered attribute.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
    <div class="userDetails" jsf:rendered="#{cc.attrs.value.id != sessionController.authUser.id}">
        Name: #{cc.attrs.value.name}
        Details: #{cc.attrs.value.details}

Read more at https://jsflive.wordpress.com/2013/08/08/jsf22-html5/#elements


I would just wrap your HTML with <h:panelGroup>

<h:panelGroup rendered = "#{cc.attrs.value.id != sessionController.authUser.id}">
    <div class = "userDetails">
        Name: #{cc.attrs.value.name}
        Details: #{cc.attrs.value.details}

<h:panelGroup  rendered = "#{cc.attrs.value.id == sessionController.authUser.id}">
    <div class = "userDetails">

Another option is to use components from either Seam (<s:div>) or Tomahawk (<t:htmlTag>) libraries if you already have them in your project.

See: http://www.jsftoolbox.com/documentation/seam/09-TagReference/seam-div.html

<s:div styleClass = "userDetails" rendered = "#{cc.attrs.value.id != sessionController.authUser.id}">
    Name: #{cc.attrs.value.name}
    Details: #{cc.attrs.value.details}

<s:div styleClass = "userDetails" rendered = "#{cc.attrs.value.id == sessionController.authUser.id}">

Or: http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk-project/tomahawk12/tagdoc/t_htmlTag.html

<t:htmlTag value="div" styleClass = "userDetails" rendered = "#{cc.attrs.value.id != sessionController.authUser.id}">
    Name: #{cc.attrs.value.name}
    Details: #{cc.attrs.value.details}

<t:htmlTag value="div" styleClass = "userDetails" rendered = "#{cc.attrs.value.id == sessionController.authUser.id}">

You could use another composite components. There are no divs or other additional tags, just exactly the one you need. See this example:

    <my:cc rendered="false">
    <my:cc rendered="true">

And the my:cc component:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"


        <cc:insertChildren />

Produces following HTML, no additional tags at all, working with ajax.
