Is there a TSQL equivalent for Azure Table Storage? I want to add hock type queries in .NET when the property names are not known at design time.
From my understating of LINQ, you need to reference existing public properties.
var selectedOrders = from o in context.Orders
where o.Freight > 30
orderby o.ShippedDate descending
select o;
Freight and ShippedDate must be public properties defined at design time. I don't have structured properties (or even structured classes).
What if I don't know the property names at design time? You can add new property names to a Table in a very add hock manner but how can you consume them?
Via the REST API can define a dynamic query
Request Syntax:
GET /myaccount/Customers()?$filter=(Rating%20ge%203)%20and%20(Rating%20le%206)$select=PartitionKey,RowKey,Address,CustomerSince HTTP/1.1
Are there tools to use REST in .NET (in a dynamic manner)?
From REST API documentation: Use the logical operators defined by the .NET Client Library for ADO.NET Data Services Framework to compare a property to a value. Note that it is not possible to compare a property to a dynamic value; one side of the expression must be a constant.
If the answer is you need to use SQL if you need TSQL type queries then OK.
What I think I am learning is that Table Storage is designed to serialize classes (especially if you have many many instances to serialize). From this link: The schema for a table is defined as a C# class. This is the model used by ADO.NET Data Services. The schema is known only to the client application and simplifies data access. The server does not enforce this schema.
[DataServiceKey("PartitionKey", "RowKey")]
public class Blog
// ChannelName
public string PartitionKey { get; set; }
// PostedDate
public string RowKey { get; set; }
// User defined properties
public string Text { get; set; }
public int Rating { get; set; }
public string RatingAsString { get; }
protected string Id { get; set; }
A user will upload a file that will go to BLOB and string fields to describe the file. It needs to be able to scale to millions of records. Would only search on two required fields (properties): custID and batch. Don't need to search for other fields but I do need to preserve them and allow the user just to add new fields in a batch. Need it to scale to millions of records and hence BLOB storage is appropriate for the files. What I think I get out of Table Storage is the ability to use REST at the client to download files and fields. Need to optimized for up to 100,000 downloads at a time and supports restart. Upload is going to be relatively small batches, and that will probably not be REST as I need to do some upload validation on the server side.
What I am thinking about doing is two tables. Where the second is designed for dynamic data.
PartitionKey CustID
string batch
string filename
PartitionKey CustID+Guid
RowKey fieldName
string value
The fieldName is required to be unique. The queries on Master would be by CustID or by CustID and batch. The queries on Fields would be by PartitionKey. Comments, please.