I'm maintaining a Sencha Touch 1.1 application and I'm trying to resolve an issue that we've noticed on Android tablets (specifically, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S, Android 3.1).
The issue that's occurring is that there are two fields on a login form: a Sencha text field and a Sencha date picker field. When the user has the text input focused and then taps to focus the date picker field, the virtual keyboard is collapsed and the datepicker shows up above where the virtual keyboard ended (in about the middle of the page).
Note that this does not happen when the user focuses on the date picker field first; this leads me to believe that is has something to do with Sencha not properly handling the window resize event that is thrown whenever the keyboard is shown or hidden, and is subsequently failing to recalculate the dimensions of the containing view object accordingly.
The view extends Ext.Panel (hence the title), I've tried using the doLayout and doComponentLayout methods when the resize event occurs, however, neither seem to work.
Any ideas?