I having some problem with bullet and enemy. I don't think i need to explain so much, just take a look at the code. Im not very good at AS3, im new and learning so I need help :P
Ok, this is on the flash/stage timeline. Here I say if I press mouse a bullet should be created.
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown);
function mouseDown(pEvent)
// Create a new bullet
var b = new Bullet();
// Set his position to the tank position
b.x = Player.x;
b.y = Player.y;
// Save the randian angle between the mouse and the tank
// This angle will set the direction of the bullet
b.angleRadian = Math.atan2(AIM.y - Player.y,AIM.x - Player.x);
// Add an enter frame event on each bullet
b.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, bulletEnterFrame);
// Add this display object on the display list
// Velocity of each bullet
var speed = 8;
function bulletEnterFrame(pEvent)
// Get the current object (Bullet)
var b = pEvent.currentTarget;
// Move this bullet on each frames
// On X axis use the cosinus angle
b.x += Math.cos(b.angleRadian) * speed;
// On Y axis use the sinus angle
b.y += Math.sin(b.angleRadian) * speed;
// Orient the bullet to the direction
b.rotation = b.angleRadian * 180 / Math.PI;
// You have to remove each created bullet
// So after every moves you must check bullet position
// If the bullet is out of the screen
if (b.x < 0 || b.x > 1024 || b.y < 0 || b.y > 768)
// Remove it from the display list
b.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, bulletEnterFrame);
if (b.hitTestObject(Enemy))
OK. And on timeline i also create enemys. Like this:
var Enemy:MovieClip = new AI(stage);
And the enemyclass looks like this:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.Stage;
public class AI extends MovieClip
var speed:Number = 1;
var distance:Number;
public function AI(stage):void
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onadd);
public function onadd(e:Event):void
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
private function loop(e:Event):void
var Player = MovieClip(root).Player;
var yDistance:Number = Player.y - y;
var xDistance:Number = Player.x - x;
if (Math.sqrt(yDistance*yDistance + xDistance*xDistance) < speed)
x = Player.x;
y = Player.y;
var radian:Number = Math.atan2(yDistance,xDistance);
x += Math.cos(radian) * speed;
y += Math.sin(radian) * speed;
rotation = radian * 180 / Math.PI;
if (this.hitTestObject(Player))
//distance = Math.sqrt( ( MovieClip(root).Player.x - this.x ) * ( MovieClip(root).Player.x - this.x ) + ( MovieClip(root).Player.y - this.y ) * ( MovieClip(root).Player.y - this.y ) );
The think is that I can't figure out how I should remove enemy when bullet hits hit. Please help!
to remove him. – Fabricio