I need to use class structure in classic asp. I have written following three classes.
Class Category
Private NameVar
Public Property Get Name()
Name = NameVar
End Property
Public Property Let Name(nameParam)
NameVar = nameParam
End Property
End Class
Class Item
Private NameVar
Private CategoryVar
Public Property Get Name()
Name = NameVar
End Property
Public Property Let Name(nameParam)
NameVar = nameParam
End Property
Public Property Get Category()
category = categoryVar
End Property
Public Property Let Category(categoryParam)
CategoryVar = categoryParam
End Property
End Class
Dim CategoryVar
Set CategoryVar = New Category
CategoryVar.Name = "Weight"
Dim ItemVar
Set ItemVar = New Item
ItemVar.Name = "kg"
ItemVar.Category = CategoryVar
<title>UoM Componet Testing</title>
<%= ItemVar.Name %><br/>
When I run this code, I have found some problem. Error is:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6) Object doesn't support this property or method: 'CategoryVar'".
How can explain this? Please help me.
Set ItemVar.Category = CategoryVar
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