
my Flex project has grown to over 1 Mb in size in release mode and now I am trying to cut it up into modules.

One of my SWC libraries is fairly large and I want to use it in multiple modules, so I think I can turn it into a RSL? how can I go about turning the SWC library into a RSL? I am building with Flash Builder (Flex).

Can you clarify how you're building your release build for the project? (ant, maven, Flash builder Export Release Builder, etc), as that changes the answerMarty Pitt

1 Answers


You can pass the following parameters to mxmlc compiler:

-runtime-shared-library-path=path/to/your_lib.swc,http://lib-url/your_lib.swf -verify-digests=false

Pay attention, that for linkage you should use SWC, but rsl you're going to load, should be an SWF (not SWC). To get SWF from SWC: open *.swc file with archiver (e.g. WinRAR) and extract *.swf from it.