I'm trying to merge data from two different spread sheets into one which becomes the data source for a couple pivot tables. Both sheets have different layouts so I'm looping through the first sheet to find the column, copy the data range below it and then paste into the wDATA sheet. Then go to the next sheet, find the same headers and then paste below the first block. I'm getting my favorite error, 1004. I've tried different proprieties and methods but it won't paste so here's what I started with. Link is a file with the larger bit and data. I promise its clean. Any Help?
For x = 1 To iEndcol 'TOP SECTION OF DATA -FBL5N
If InStr(Cells(1, x), "Sold") Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowA, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lEndRowA, 1))
ElseIf Cells(1, x) = "Invoice#" Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowA, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(lEndRowA, 2))
ElseIf Cells(1, x) = "Billing Doc" Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowA, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 3), Cells(lEndRowA, 3))
ElseIf InStr(Cells(1, x), "Cust Deduction") Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowA, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 4), Cells(lEndRowA, 4))
ElseIf Cells(1, x) = "A/R Adjustment" Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowA, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(lEndRowA, 5))
ElseIf InStr(Cells(1, x), "Possible Repay") Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowA, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 6), Cells(lEndRowA, 6))
ElseIf InStr(Cells(1, x), "Profit") Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowA, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 7), Cells(lEndRowA, 7))
End If
End If
' DO NOT REDEFINE lEndrowA until all data is moved
' Fills in data from the second source, wLID
If Not wLID Is Nothing Then
lEndRowB = Cells(4650, 1).End(xlUp).Row
iEndcol = Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
For x = 1 To iEndcol 'BOTTOM
If InStr(Cells(1, x), "Sold-To") Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowB, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lEndRowA + lEndRowB, 1))
ElseIf Cells(1, x) = "Invoice#" Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowB, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(lEndRowA + lEndRowB, 2))
ElseIf Cells(1, x) = "Billing Doc" Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowB, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 3), Cells(lEndRowA + lEndRowB, 3))
ElseIf InStr(Cells(1, x), "Cust Deduction") Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowB, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 4), Cells(lEndRowA + lEndRowB, 4))
ElseIf Cells(1, x) = "A/R Adjustment" Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowB, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(lEndRowA + lEndRowB, 5))
ElseIf InStr(Cells(1, x), "Possible Repay") Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowB, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 6), Cells(lEndRowA + lEndRowB, 6))
ElseIf InStr(Cells(1, x), "Profit") Then
Range(Cells(2, x), Cells(lEndRowB, x)).Copy _
Destination:=wDATA.Range(Cells(1, 7), Cells(lEndRowA + lEndRowB, 7))
End If
End If