I've built a mobile website - a web site optimized for handheld units. If you are using an iPhone you launch Safari and go to the site URL to use this web app. It can also be run as an iPhone web app by adding it to your home screen. So it's not a native iPhone app - it's a mobile web page.
If you choose to run this mobile web page as an iPhone web app (by adding it to your home screen) you are not in the normal Safari interface. If the user clicks a link to an external site, you leave the web app and the link is opened in Safari. If you on the other hand use JavaScript to change the location, the link is opened in the web app - not in Safari.
Now I'm looking for a way to open a link in Safari from an iPhone web app using JavaScript. I've tried window.location.href but since it's JavaScript you stay in the web app.
Thanks in advance!
? – Quentin