The way MDI works doesn't gel with what you're trying to do.
If you need the "MDI" format, you should consider using either the built-in or a commercial docking package, and use the docking setup to mimic the MDI feel.
In my Delphi apps, I frequently use TFrames and parent them to the main form, and maximizing them so they take up the client area. This gives you something similar to how Outlook looks. It goes a little something like this:
TMyForm = class(TForm)
FCurrentModule : TFrame;
property CurrentModule : TFrame read FModule write SetCurrentModule;
procedure TMyForm.SetCurrentModule(ACurrentModule : TFrame);
if assigned(FCurrentModule) then
FreeAndNil(FCurrentModule); // You could cache this if you wanted
FCurrentModule := ACurrentModule;
if assigned(FCurrentModule) then
FCurrentModule.Parent := Self;
FCurrentModule.Align := alClient;
To use it, you can simply do this:
MyForm.CurrentModule := TSomeFrame.Create(nil);
There is a good argument that you should use interfaces (creating an IModule interface or something) that you use. I often do that, but it's more complex than needed to explain the concept here.