I have implemented a new twig extension and I have some text which had to be translated.
Unfortunately when I use a code label
it appears as a sample text.
I mean when twig render this following extension, it displays: 5 entity.years
instead of 5 years
for example:
class MyExtension extends \Twig_Extension {
public function getFilters()
return array(
'myextension' => new \Twig_Filter_Method($this, 'myextension'),
public function myextension ($myId)
// ....
// Some operations concerning $myId...
// ....
if($myId!=0) {
$res = $myId. ' '.'entity.year';
} else {
$res = ($months == 0 ? $days.'entity.days' : $months.'entity.months');
return $res;
Where entity.years
, entity.months
, entity.days
is defined into my translations folder.