I want to stub out a logged in user (with Devise/Warden) using rspec mocks in a Capybara test suite in my Rails app. This would save a ton of time, and would mean that my test suite can/will be run regularly.
Previously I was able to do this using authlogic by stubbing out my session model with some code like this:
def login(user)
user_session = mock_model(UserSession, {:user => user})
Now that i'm using Devise, i no longer have access to a UserSession object. And since i'm using capybara to test my code, i don't have direct access to the request object to use devise's built in sign_in
test helper.
My question is: how can I simulate a logged in user with capybara, devise, and spec mocks without requiring every scenario with a logged in user to first go to the sign up path, fill in the form, submit, wait for response, and then go to the desired page?