I have made a custom category template using category-[id].php and it's fine now. All i am trying to do is to add a Jquery Post slider with featured images on custom category page. Currently, my theme allows me to add this to home page. Currently, i have defined a category in my theme admin panel for this slider.
My homepage has a slider for category "Featured" . How can i have such type of slider on my Custom Category Template page showing recent 4 or 5 posts from that category [different from the home page one] with "Featured Images" ? Can i use the same Featured slider function of my theme to have a new slider as i described on my custom category template page ?
** My Wordpress theme is LondonLive by Skyli.
index.php code:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php if( get_option('skyali_londonlive_featured_style') != 'slider_long' AND get_option('skyali_londonlive_featured_style') != ''){ ?>
<?php if($video_ != 'true'){ ?>
<?php include_once('includes/'.display_featured().'.php'); // include featured ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php include_once('includes/featured_2.php'); } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(get_option('skyali_londonlive_slider') != '' && get_option('skyali_londonlive_slider') != 'disable'){ ?>
<?php include_once('includes/slider.php'); ?>
Featured Slider Code:
<div id="featured" <?php featured_option(); ?>>
<?php $featured_cat = get_option('skyali_londonlive_featured_cats'); //get featured category ?>
<ul class="ui-tabs-nav">
<?php $i = 1; ?>
//list featured slide previews
$featured = new WP_Query('showposts=4&cat='.$featured_cat.''); while($featured->have_posts()) : $featured->the_post(); ?>
<?php if($i == 1){$select_element = 'ui-tabs-selected';} else { $select_element = ''; } ?>
//list featured slide show div's
$featured = new WP_Query('showposts=4&cat='.$featured_cat.''); while($featured->have_posts()) : $featured->the_post(); ?>
<!-- <?php echo $i; ?> Content -->