
I have a list of two-dimensional polygons defined as two-column matrices of x and y coordinates in R. They completely fill a square area and are mutually exclusive. I want to use these polygon definitions to generate a fine grid of x,y coordinate values in which each value is identified by which polygon it falls into.

I have explored the sp package and can get my polygons into an object of class SpatialPolygons, but I don't know if that gets me closer to my goal. With my polygons in a dataframe, I can use ggplot with geom_polygon(aes(fill=ID)) to generate a plot of the polygons with coloring based on polygon ID.

I can see several paths forward, but don't know how to accomplish any of them:

  1. A function that takes a polygon and generates a uniform grid of coordinates within the polygon boundaries. (My polygons are quite irregular, with many sides, so creating a custom function for them would be painful and error prone.)

  2. A function that takes a pair of x, y coordinates and my list of polygons and outputs which polygon the coordinates fall into.

  3. A function that takes my ggplot-generated plot and converts the colors into a grid of numeric coordinate values that I could read back into R.

There may be also be other approaches that I'm not imagining. I have to believe that other people have had this same need before, but extensive searching has not led me to any existing functions that do what I need.

I Googled "point inside polygon R", and the first result was this which seems to point in several promising directions. The splancs package, for instance.joran

3 Answers


[mumble about spsample deleted]

Hmm in the cold light of day it seems you want something else:

IF all your polygons make a rectangle AND you want a regular grid of points over that rectangle THEN create a SpatialPoints object of grid coordinates (see 'expand.grid' for part of the solution to that sub-problem) AND THEN use 'overlay' from package:sp to test what polygon your grid points are in.

You might also want to use bbox to get the extent of your polygons.


It sounded like you were doing this positioning on a square grid so it may be simpler than the more general polygon approach would require. Let's say your coordinates for this grid-on-the-square are two vectors, 'xx' and 'yy', and you have list of points in a data.frame or matrix named 'mypoints'. This will create a matrix of row-col-indices to look up the proper sub-square:

 xx <- seq(0,1,by=.1)
 yy <- seq(0,1,by=.1)
 mypoints <- matrix(runif(10), ncol=2)
          [,1]      [,2]
[1,] 0.7731868 0.2707768
[2,] 0.7005779 0.7881789
[3,] 0.9520941 0.6661852
[4,] 0.4625906 0.9176813
[5,] 0.4550811 0.5017386
 findInterval(mypoints[1:5,1], xx)
#[1]  8  8 10  5  5
 findInterval(mypoints[1:5,2], yy)
#[1]  3  8  7 10  6
 pointidxs <- matrix( c( findInterval(mypoints[,1], xx), 
                         findInterval(mypoints[,2], yy) ), ncol=2)
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    8    3
[2,]    8    8
[3,]   10    7
[4,]    5   10
[5,]    5    6

I haven't thought very much, but here is a before-coffee idea: I understand that your polygons form a Voronoi tesselation. Now, it is supposed to be easy to obtain the corresponding Delaunay triangulation, which should give you a straight-forward way to decide whether a particular point belongs to the corresponding polygon.

Hope that makes sense?