I have a collection of models, each of which is attached a view. The collection also globally has a view. Is it best for the model views to take care of deleting the corresponding model, or should the collection (or collection view) do that?
1 Answers
Collections have a .add
and .remove
method, when you use one of them, they fire an add
or remove
event on the collection. This is how you can bind without using a view at all.
var ships = new Backbone.Collection();
ships.bind('add', function(ship) {
alert('Ahoy ' + ship.get('name') + '!');
{name: 'Flying Dutchman'},
{name: 'Black Pearl'}
So attach the collection to the view, inside of the constructor. This simply makes the collection available via this.collection
var ShipView = Backbone.View.extend({
collection: ships
This is how you can bind using the view.
// Create collection instance.
var ships = new Backbone.Collection();
// Create view class.
var ShipView = Backbone.View.extend({
collection: ships,
initialize: function() {
// This is binding add, to the view function.
this.collection.bind('add', this.add);
add: function(ship) {
alert('Added ' + ship.get('name') + '!');
/*Optional for DOM.
events: {
'click .addMyShip': 'addShip'
addShip: function(eventObject) {
// Create view instance.
var shipView = new ShipView();
// Add two ships.
{name: 'Flying Dutchman'},
{name: 'Black Pearl'}
When the view initializes, it binds the collection's add event to run this.add
which is a function of the view. Optionally, you can use the delegateEvents API to handle mapping DOM elements event selector
to function
that runs the function in the view. That function can call this.collection.add
, of which will create the domino effect.
The way the view interacts with the collection, or model, is by binding to events, you can define those events and handle them inside the view. There are several special options that, if passed, will be available to the view: model, collection, el, id, className, and tagName.