I'm using RSpec, Spork, Capybara and Capybara Mechanic to write integration tests for a registration path that uses Facebook connect. It correctly navigates through registration, but the new users are created in my development database instead of the test database.
RSpec is setup to use the test environment and I've confirmed that any model methods I run in my spec all hit the test database, but all of the UI actions hit development.
Here's my test:
it "go through registration path" do
print "RAILS_ENV: #{Rails.env}\n" # correctly prints 'test'
print "1) #{User.count}\n" # correctly shows the user count in my test database (zero)
Capybara.current_driver = :mechanize
visit root_path
click_link "register"
# Fill in Facebook Connect form
fill_in 'email', :with => "[email protected]"
fill_in 'pass', :with => "password"
click_button "Log In"
print "2) #{User.count}\n" # still shows zero users in the test database
After that test I can look at my development database and the new user has been created there.
I've tried setting up database_cleaner as well and that hasn't helped.
Anyone know what I need to do so that capybara will hit the test database?
rails 3.1.3
rspec 2.7.0
spork 0.9.0
capybara 1.1.0
capybara-mechanize 0.3.0.rc3