So let's say pretty often a script runs that opens a browser and does web things:
require 'watir-webdriver'
$browser =, :profile => "botmode")
=> #<Watir::Browser:0x7fc97b06f558 url="about:blank" title="about:blank">
It could end gracefully with a browser.close, or it could crash sooner and leave behind the memory-hungry Firefox process, unnoticed until they accumulate and slow the server to a crawl.
My question is twofold:
- What is a good practice to ensure that even in case of script failure anywhere leading to immediate error exit, the subprocess will always get cleaned up (I already have lots of short begin-rescue-end blocks peppered for other unrelated small tests)
- More importantly, can I simply remember this Watir::Browser:0x7fc97b06f558 object address or PID somehow and re-assign it to another $browser variable in a whole new Ruby process, for example irb? I.e. can an orphaned browser on webdriver be re-attached later in another program using watir-webdriver on the same machine? From irb I could then get in and re-attach to the browser left behind by the crashed Ruby script, to examine the website it was on, check what went wrong, what elements are different than expected, etc.
Another hugely advantageous use of the latter would be to avoid the overhead of potentially hundreds of browser startups and shutdowns per to keep one alive as sort of a daemon. The first run would attempt to reuse a previous browser object using my specially prepared botmode profile, otherwise create one. Then I would deliberately not call $browser.close at the end of my script. If nothing else I run an at job to kill the Xvfb :99 display FF runs inside of at the end of the day anyway (giving FF no choice but to die with it, if still running). Yes I am aware of Selenium standalone jar, but trying to avoid that java service footprint too.
Apologies if this is more a basic Ruby question. I just wasn't sure how to phrase it and keep getting irrelevant search results.