Whenever I export the .swf file of my Flash game, I am receiving "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."
, along with a Runtime Shared Library Preloading Warning
for my preloader. I have my timeline organized so that the first and third frames are both empty along with a stop();
command in the Actions layer. The second frame contains a single MovieClip that contains all of my exported assets, which are going to be initialized in the third frame of the timeline. None of my assets, except for the preloader, are exported in the first frame. What changes should I make to my Document Class for it to initialize the assets in the third frame?
Document Class:
package com.gameEngine.documentClass
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.Point;
import com.gameEngine.assetHolders.*;
import com.gameEngine.assetHolders.Levels.*;
public class Document extends MovieClip
private static var _document:Document;
private var preloader:Preloader;
public var mcMain:Player;
public var restartButton:RestartButton;
public var spawnArea:SpawnArea;
public var level_1:Level_1;
public var level_2:Level_2;
public var level_3:Level_3;
public function Document()
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
_document = this;
preloader = new Preloader(390, this.loaderInfo);
preloader.addEventListener("loadComplete", loadAssets);
preloader.addEventListener("preloaderFinished", showLogo);
mcMain = new Player(this);
restartButton = new RestartButton(this);
spawnArea = new SpawnArea();
level_1 = new Level_1(this);
level_2 = new Level_2(this);
level_3 = new Level_3(this);
this.preloader.x = 400;
this.preloader.y = 250;
restartButton.x = 822.95;
restartButton.y = 19;
spawnArea.x = 400;
spawnArea.y = 250;
trace ("Document Class Initialized");
// constructor code
public static function getInstance():Document
return _document;
private function loadAssets(event:Event):void
private function showLogo(event:Event):void
public function init(event:Event)
if (stage.contains(spawnArea))
mcMain.x = spawnArea.x;
mcMain.y = spawnArea.y;
Preloader Class:
package com.gameEngine.assetHolders
import com.gameEngine.documentClass.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
public class Preloader extends MovieClip
private var fullWidth:Number;
public var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo;
public function Preloader(fullWidth:Number = 0, loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = null)
this.fullWidth = fullWidth;
this.loaderInfo = loaderInfo;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkLoad);
private function checkLoad (event:Event):void
if (loaderInfo.bytesLoaded == loaderInfo.bytesTotal && loaderInfo.bytesTotal != 0)
dispatchEvent(new Event("loadComplete"));
updateLoader(loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / loaderInfo.bytesTotal);
private function updateLoader(num:Number):void
progressBar.width = num * fullWidth;
private function phaseOut():void
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkLoad);
if (progressBar.currentFrame == progressBar.totalFrames)
private function phaseComplete() : void
dispatchEvent(new Event("preloaderFinished"));