My ASP.NET MVC 3 website has code on the server side that checks for the name of the submit button clicked to submit the form. The code works when I use the mouse to click the button, but when I use the Enter key, the form gets posted, but the request doesn't contain the name of the submit button.
Is there some attribute I can set on the submit button to get this to work for both clicking and using the Enter key?
Here is my HTML:
<form action="/Item/Search" method="post">
<input class="fulltextsearch" id="FTSearchText" name="FTSearchText" type="text" value="" />
<input type="submit" value="Go" name="FTSearchButton" />
On the server side, I have a custom model binder that uses the following code to determine if the user clicked the submit button.
// See if the value provider has the required prefix
var hasPrefix = bindingContext.ValueProvider.ContainsPrefix(bindingContext.ModelName);
var searchPrefix = (hasPrefix) ? bindingContext.ModelName + "." : string.Empty;
var searchButton = GetValue(bindingContext, searchPrefix, "FTSearchButton");
// If this value doesn't have value, the user didn't click the button so exit
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchButton)) {
return null;
private static string GetValue(ModelBindingContext context, string prefix, string key) {
var result = context.ValueProvider.GetValue(prefix + key);
return result == null ? null : result.AttemptedValue;
Here is the problem I'm having with this. I have a page that displays a list of items. I have a 'search' textbox and a submit button in an HTML form. When the user enters text in the textbox and clicks the search button or uses the enter key, the page posts the form data via HTML GET, and returns the first eight records found. The page then displays page links for additional pages. The problems is that when the user clicks a page link, the form data is all blank, and my filter information is lost (the form isn't posted with the form value when using these links). So, I end up displaying a blank list of items (blank searches returns zero results) instead of paging the data.
By adding the check for the button name in my form data, I could determine whether or not to simply page the data, or do a new look up.