
I could use help with the following query which is for suggesting friends to a user

I have three models:

User (id, fb_id, org_id)
FbFriends (user_id, fb_id, org_id)
Friendships (user_id, friend_id)

FbFriends is caching the user's friends on Facebook. Friendships is a friendship on my app.

Goal, Return Users based on the following conditions:

  1. Sorted by the User's org_id
  2. Filter out anyone if their is already a Friendship record between the two users.

Is it possible to return @users based on the above with one query? Or do I need to build this with multiple queries?


Adding sample output would help, I don't think the query itself is difficult, but I am not 100% sure what you are looking for. Is it simply a list of org_id, user_id, <potential new friends>?Sparky
I'm look for an output of Users. A list of users from the user table based on the conditions above. Is that clear?Rachela Meadows
Do you want to see users in the user table with no "friends" in either FBfriends or Friendships? Or do you want to see per user, a list of possible friends (other users they are not already friends with?)Sparky
Sparky, this should help. Does it? ;;; Sorry about that. Given a User. I first want all the users on my app who are their FB Friends. This is provided with the FbFriends model. I'd like that sorted by org_id, so the items at the top are in the same org as the current_user. Then I want to remove all users from that list that are already the current_users friends on my app (friendships). Does that helpRachela Meadows

1 Answers


In SQL you'd do it like this:

JOIN friendships friendships_l ON users.id = friendships.user_id
JOIN friendships friendships_r ON users.id = friendships.friend_id 
WHERE {{some_user_id}} <> users.id
  AND {{some_user_id}} <> friendships_l.friend_id,
  AND {{some_user_id}} <> friendships_r.user_id
ORDER BY users.org_id

In ActiveRecord:

  joins('JOIN friendships friendships_l ON users.id = friendships_l.user_id').
  joins('JOIN friendships friendships_r ON users.id = friendships_r.friend_id').
  where(%[ :uid <> users.id AND
           :uid <> friendships_l.friend_id AND
           :uid <> friendships_r.user_id
         { :uid => some_user.id }