I've got a problem with implementing multilayered perceptron with Matlab Neural Networks Toolkit.
I try to implement neural network which will recognize single character stored as binary image(size 40x50). Image is transformed into a binary vector. The output is encoded in 6bits. I use simple newff function in that way (with 30 perceptrons in hidden layer):
net = newff(P, [30, 6], {'tansig' 'tansig'}, 'traingd', 'learngdm', 'mse');
Then I train my network with a dozen of characters in 3 different fonts, with following train parameters:
net.trainParam.goal = 0.00001;
net.traxinParam.lr = 0.01;
After training net recognized all characters from training sets correctly but... It cannot recognize more then twice characters from another fonts.
How could I improve that simple network?