Just a heads up if your not on PHP 5.6 yet, you can mirror the exact PHP 5.6 function ldap_escape()
using the methods I created below, keep in mind this is meant for use in a class. The above answer doesn't perform exactly like the ldap_escape
function, as in it doesn't escape all characters into a hex string if no flags have been given, so this would be more suitable for a drop in replacement for earlier versions of PHP, in an object oriented way.
I've documented every line for an easier understanding on whats going on. Scroll down for output.
Methods (Compatible with PHP 5 or greater):
* Escapes the inserted value for LDAP.
* @param string $value The value to escape
* @param string $ignore The characters to ignore
* @param int $flags The PHP flag to use
* @return bool|string
public function escapeManual($value, $ignore = '*', $flags = 0)
* If a flag was supplied, we'll send the value
* off to be escaped using the PHP flag values
* and return the result.
if($flags) {
return $this->escapeWithFlags($value, $ignore, $flags);
// Convert ignore string into an array
$ignores = str_split($ignore);
// Convert the value to a hex string
$hex = bin2hex($value);
* Separate the string, with the hex length of 2,
* and place a backslash on the end of each section
$value = chunk_split($hex, 2, "\\");
* We'll append a backslash at the front of the string
* and remove the ending backslash of the string
$value = "\\" . substr($value, 0, -1);
// Go through each character to ignore
foreach($ignores as $charToIgnore)
// Convert the characterToIgnore to a hex
$hexed = bin2hex($charToIgnore);
// Replace the hexed variant with the original character
$value = str_replace("\\" . $hexed, $charToIgnore, $value);
// Finally we can return the escaped value
return $value;
* Escapes the inserted value with flags. Supplying either 1
* or 2 into the flags parameter will escape only certain values
* @param string $value The value to escape
* @param string $ignore The characters to ignore
* @param int $flags The PHP flag to use
* @return bool|string
public function escapeWithFlags($value, $ignore = '*', $flags = 0)
// Convert ignore string into an array
$ignores = str_split($ignore);
$escapeFilter = ['\\', '*', '(', ')'];
$escapeDn = ['\\', ',', '=', '+', '<', '>', ';', '"', '#'];
case 1:
// Int 1 equals to LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER
$escapes = $escapeFilter;
case 2:
// Int 2 equals to LDAP_ESCAPE_DN
$escapes = $escapeDn;
case 3:
$escapes = array_merge($escapeFilter, $escapeDn);
// Customize your own default return value
return false;
foreach($escapes as $escape)
// Make sure the escaped value isn't inside the ignore array
if( ! in_array($escape, $ignores))
$hexed = chunk_split(bin2hex($escape), 2, "\\");
$hexed = "\\" . substr($hexed, 0, -1);
$value = str_replace($escape, $hexed, $value);
return $value;
Tests (be aware that LDAP_ESCAPE constants are only available in PHP 5.6):
// Value to escape
$value = 'testing=+<>"";:#()*\x00';
$php = ldap_escape($value, $ignore = '*');
$man = $this->escapeManual($value, $ignore = '*');
echo $php; // \74\65\73\74\69\6e\67\3d\2b\3c\3e\22\22\3b\3a\23\28\29*\5c\78\30\30
echo $man; // \74\65\73\74\69\6e\67\3d\2b\3c\3e\22\22\3b\3a\23\28\29*\5c\78\30\30
$php = ldap_escape($value, $ignore = '*', LDAP_ESCAPE_DN);
$man = $this->escapeManual($value, $ignore = '*', LDAP_ESCAPE_DN);
echo $php; // testing\3d\2b\3c\3e\22\22\3b:\23()*\5cx00
echo $man; // testing\3d\2b\3c\3e\22\22\3b:\23()*\5cx00
$php = ldap_escape($value, $ignore = '*', LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER);
$man = $this->escapeManual($value, $ignore = '*', LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER);
echo $php; // testing=+<>"";:#\28\29*\5cx00
echo $man; // testing=+<>"";:#\28\29*\5cx00
Github Gist link: https://gist.github.com/stevebauman/0db9b5daa414d60fc266