
First, I would like to make sure I got the structure correct. As far as I know, an adjacency list representing a graph looks like this:

an adjacent list

AdjList is an ArrayList, where each element is an object. Each object contains an ArrayList inside to represent vertices connected. So for example, in the image above, Vertext 1 (first index in the AdjList) is connected to the vertex at index 2, 4, and 5 of the AdjList. Is this representation of an adjacency list correct? (ps: I know indices start at 0, i put 1 here for simplicity/ease).

If it is correct, which algorithm should I use to find the shortest path between two vertices?


3 Answers


There is no algorithm to give you just the shortest path between two vertices. You can use either:

  1. Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path between one vertex and all the others (and then choose the one you need).
  2. Roy-Floyd algorithm to find the shortest path between all possible pairs of vertices.

The links also include pseudocode.


Here's an example for Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm in java along with explanations


You can use Dijkstra's and Floyd Warshall. For unweighed graph assume weight of each edge to be 1 and apply the algorithm.