Given the following assumptions:
- Your table is already full text enabled
- Your table is named "example" and contains 2 columns called "exampleID" and "exampleText" (exampleText is in your fulltext index)
- You are able to parse the user input as shown for each example:
parsedUserInput = 'The','quick','brown','fox','jumps','over','the','lazy','dog'
Then I think what you're looking for is something like this:
SELECT display_term as term
,document_count as numberOfOccurences
FROM sys.dm_fts_index_keywords (db_id(),object_id('example'))
WHERE display_term IN({parsedUserInput})
Otherwise maybe a rank would work for you...
parsedUserInput = "The" OR "quick" OR "brown" OR "fox" OR "jumps" OR "over" OR "the" OR "lazy" OR "dog"
ranks.rank AS rank
FROM example e
INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE ( example, exampleText, ' **{parsedUserInput}** ' ) AS ranks
ON e.exampleID = ranks.[KEY]
WHERE ranks.rank > 0 -- return only rows that have a rank
order by ranks.rank desc