I'm trying to access a RTMP stream with Flowplayer. I've been given a rtmp location (rtmp://xyz.com/flash/fs-93e3010000000000). Which I have set netConnectionUrl to. But I'm not sure what to set 'url' to?
My code is pretty much the same as http://blog.mydeo.com/2010/03/04/embedding-live-streams-with-flowplayer/
I'll find out what service they are using, they just gave us a RTMP url.
What mine looks like at the moment:
$f("fms", "http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer-3.2.7.swf", {
clip: {
url: 'livestream',
// configure clip to use influxis as our provider, it uses our rtmp plugin
provider: 'rtmp',
live : true
// streaming plugins are configured under the plugins node
plugins: {
// here is our rtpm plugin configuration
rtmp: {
url: 'flowplayer.rtmp-3.2.3.swf',
// netConnectionUrl defines where the streams are found
netConnectionUrl: 'rtmp://mystream.com/flash/fs-93e3010000000000',
The stream itself works with MPlayer.