I am building a Cocoa Mac application that runs in the background but has a main window.
To make it run in the background I've set "Application is background only" to "YES".
I built a system tray:
If you close the main window, you can re-open it by clicking "open".
I have however some issues with the layering of windows:
- When I start the application, the main window opens however it appears in the background, behind any other windows or applications I have open at the time.
- Clicking on "open" doesn't bring the window to the foreground. It opens it correctly if it was closed, however it stays behind any windows.
- Clicking on preferences or about has the same issue. It opens the correct window but it appears behind any other windows.
- On my main window there is a textfield. I can click on it, the cursor blinks as if I am ready to type. But when I type it actually types in some other background window! For example if I have TextWrangler open in the background, it will type there instead of the textfield...
Here is my code for handling the "open":
- (IBAction)show:(id)sender {
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];
Note that IF I set "Application is background only" to "NO" (which means I have a dock icon appearing), then clicking on "open" brings the window to the foreground as expected. And typing in the textfield works as expected.