
I am building a login window with ExtJs, using the following code :

Ext.define('DTL.view.windows.LoginWindow', {
    extend : 'Ext.window.Window',
    alias : 'widget.login',
    id : 'loginWindow',

    autoShow : true,
    width : 400,
    height : 180,
    layout : 'border',
    border : false,
    modal : true,
    closable : false,
    resizable : false,
    draggable : false,

    initComponent : function () {
        this.items = [{
                region : 'north',
                height : 52,
                bodyCls : 'app_header'
            }, {
                id : 'login_form',
                region : 'center',
                xtype : 'form',
                bodyStyle : 'padding:10px; background: transparent;border-top: 0px none;',
                labelWidth : 75,
                defaultType : 'textfield',
                items : [{
                        fieldLabel : 'Username',
                        name : 'username',
                        id : 'usr',
                        allowBlank : false
                    }, {
                        fieldLabel : 'Password',
                        name : 'password',
                        inputType : 'password',
                        id : 'pwd',
                        allowBlank : false

        this.buttons = [{
                id : 'login_button',
                text : 'Login',
                disabled : true


Now everything looks fine, except the fact that the password field has no borders.

I tried various code modifications, but nothing helped.

Does anyone have an idea to fix this?

I am using ExtJs 4.0.7


I made another interesting discovery. If I add a third textfield the bug will move to that one.

Apparently it affects always the last textfield.

Does it look like this in all browsers (IE, Firefox and Chrome?)JD Smith
I just tested it in Firefox and IE8. Same behavior.Demnogonis
Looks like there is some extra css class added which is overriding the password field. Could you inspect it in firebug to check which classes are getting applied?netemp
I've found the source of the problem. For any reason Ext adds the x-viewport style class to the last textfield, which overrides the border. If I remove it in Firebug everything looks fine, but why is this class applied?Demnogonis

1 Answers


The problem is caused by how you create the window. See this Sencha forum post:

Textfield Border Problem

i.e. you need to use Ext.create('DTL.view.windows.LoginWindow'); rather than xtype: 'login'