
I am trying to determine the height of a Spark label that becomes multiline at runtime (due to width property being set), to account for text overflow.

(For a spark label named Title) I have tried:

Title.measureText(Title.text).height - this seems to return only the height of one line. (Due to differing screen-sizes and font rendering, I don't know in advance how many lines the text would overflow to...)

Title.height - this seems to return the height of the label size (before being re-adjusted at runtime for multiline text flow)

Both properties above return an unchanging value even when different text lengths/multiple lines long are filled in .text

Is there really no way to determine the exact height of an overflow Spark label?

I am admittedly not that familiar with the Flex API but after scouring the manual for quite some time, I am still unable to place this title label with the proper spacing. Any help would be appreciated.

you might already know this, but conventionally, AS3 class names are CamelCase and instance names are headlessCamelCase.Pranav Hosangadi

2 Answers


I think resize event of Spark label will be usefull.
just try this example application This may Help You

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
               xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" >

        public var Height:String="";
        public function Resize():void
            txtText.text="Label Height:  "+Height;
        public function AddText():void
            lblLabel.text += lblLabel.text;

    <mx:Text id="txtText"  x="46" y="44" width="200"/>
    <s:Label  id="lblLabel" text="Label Text " x="46" y="99" width="200"  resize="Resize()"/>
    <s:Button id="btnClick" label="AddText" click="AddText()" x="199" y="43"/>

If I understood your question correctly, you can listen to mx.events.FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE