
I may go mad very soon.

This is the reason: - I started up with Single View Application project with storyboards. Then I set the view controller class name in the storyboard for my viewController. - Next step I created one pointer for this viewController in AppDelegate method ...didFinishLaunchingWithOpt... and filled it up by calling [myStoryboards instantiate...]. It works pretty good because I can call method like [vc1 setMyName] which does smthng like self.myName = @"Johnny"; - But here it comes. When I create IBAction method joined with button, this method doesn't know anything about "Johhny". And this is because I'm in another instance. When I check the address of "self" it is another one...

WhyWhyWhy??? Please help, how can I use still the same object - the one instantiated in AppDelegate by storyboards and the one from storyboards in "interface builder".

Thank you.

Oh my. I think I really underestamated it... When we were talking about getting pointer of other viewControllers from storyboard...

I have initialViewController got by calling rootViewContr... And another one connected with segue (modal) where is UITableView. A get data on rootViewController and I want to show them on the other one in the list (UITableView). So I call segue (performSegueWithIdentifier), the other controller is shown but the list is clear. Because the method I call is working with tableView variable which is null :/ Because, again, I'm in another object. That is because I call that method storyboard instantiate... How can I get exactly the same viewController which I'm working in storyboard with. It is quite confusing for me :/

I read something about prepareForSegue and getting the pointer by destinationViewController but that is not what exactly I want. I need the pointer before I call segue method and the viewController is shown...

Thank you.


1 Answers


If you've set up your initial view controller properly in the storyboard, you don't need to assign it to the windows rootViewController property in -applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: as this is done for you automatically. It sounds like you're creating a second instance. To access the original instance setup by the storyboard simply do this in -applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

InitialViewController *viewController = (InitialViewController *)self.window.rootViewController;
viewController.myName = @"Johnny";