
I'm developing an app for Windows Phone 7.1. I was wondering if it is possible to override the behaviour of the enter button on the virtual keyboard. Basically, I want the user to be able to submit the form if he/she presses the enter button when filling the last field of the form. Please let me know if it is possible or if the convention is not to do so.


I have seen plenty of apps that have this as a convention, so I'm guessing it's possible (I just don't know how to do it).DaveShaw
Thanks DaveShaw. I wanted to make sure that I'm not the first person doing this. :)Divya
@Divya check out InputScope too - I believe the Search inputscope makes the return button a different color than the rest of the keyboard, so it will be easier for users to tell it has submit functionality. imaginativeuniversal.com/blog/post/2010/07/06/…William Melani

1 Answers


There is event OnKeyDown for this purpose

 textblock.OnKeyDown += (s, e) =>
      if (e.Key = Key.Enter)
           //do your stuff here