When using integer values in my own code, I always try to consider the signedness, asking myself if the integer should be signed or unsigned.
When I'm sure the value will never need to be negative, I then use an unsigned integer.
And I have to say this happen most of the time.
When reading other peoples' code, I rarely see unsigned integers, even if the represented value can't be negative.
So I asked myself: «is there a good reason for this, or do people just use signed integers because the don't care»?
I've search on the subject, here and in other places, and I have to say I can't find a good reason not to use unsigned integers, when it applies.
I came across those questions: «Default int type: Signed or Unsigned?», and «Should you always use 'int' for numbers in C, even if they are non-negative?» which both present the following example:
for( unsigned int i = foo.Length() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {}
To me, this is just bad design. Of course, it may result in an infinite loop, with unsigned integers.
But is it so hard to check if foo.Length()
is 0, before the loop?
So I personally don't think this is a good reason for using signed integers all the way.
Some people may also say that signed integers may be useful, even for non-negative values, to provide an error flag, usually -1
Ok, that's good to have a specific value that means «error».
But then, what's wrong with something like UINT_MAX
, for that specific value?
I'm actually asking this question because it may lead to some huge problems, usually when using third-party libraries.
In such a case, you often have to deal with signed and unsigned values.
Most of the time, people just don't care about the signedness, and just assign a, for instance, an unsigned int
to a signed int
, without checking the range.
I have to say I'm a bit paranoid with the compiler warning flags, so with my setup, such an implicit cast will result in a compiler error.
For that kind of stuff, I usually use a function or macro to check the range, and then assign using an explicit cast, raising an error if needed.
This just seems logical to me.
As a last example, as I'm also an Objective-C developer (note that this question is not related to Objective-C only):
- ( NSInteger )tableView: ( UITableView * )tableView numberOfRowsInSection: ( NSInteger )section;
For those not fluent with Objective-C, NSInteger
is a signed integer.
This method actually retrieves the number of rows in a table view, for a specific section.
The result will never be a negative value (as the section number, by the way).
So why use a signed integer for this?
I really don't understand.
This is just an example, but I just always see that kind of stuff, with C, C++ or Objective-C.
So again, I'm just wondering if people just don't care about that kind of problems, or if there is finally a good and valid reason not to use unsigned integers for such cases.
Looking forward to hear your answers : )
. – Jens Gustedt