In short this is how i did this as a firemonkey application, same should work with vcl i guess:
Create a new firemonkey HD application
Add two listboxes
Add an edit and a button (to enter data)
Listbox1 -> Livebindings -> New Livebinding -> TBindExpression
A new component by the name of BindingsList1 is automatically added to the form
Edit the new bindexpression properties (BindExpressionListBox11 for me)
Direction = DirBiDirectional
Managed = true
NotifyOutputs = true
ControlExpression = Items
SourceExpression = Items
Create a buttonclick event (or you can put it in onChanged but that for some reason doesn't get called when adding an item. It does get called if you select something on the list):
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
bindingslist1.Notify(listbox2, '');
Now whenever you add an item to listbox2 the change is reflected to listbox1 aswell and vice versa (due to the dirBiDirectional setting). If adding to listbox1 instead, you need to call:
bindingslist1.Notify(listbox1, '');
Hope this helps getting you started.
Embarcadero also has some good livebinding stuff @