I am using Aspect for logging activities in my spring mvc based application. I am using @controller annotations to define any controller in my application. I have two different controller in two different package say
- com.package1 contains controller 1 class, let's name it as AController
- com.package2 contains controller 2 class, let's name it as BController
I am able to apply aspect to one particular package of controllers by using
<aop:pointcut id="pointcut1"
expression="execution(* package1.*.*(..))"
id="policy1" />
<aop:aspect ref="aspect1" order="1">
<aop:before pointcut-ref="pointcut1" method="before" arg-names="joinPoint" />
<aop:after-returning returning="returnValue" arg-names="joinPoint, returnValue" pointcut-ref="pointcut1" method="after" />
<bean id="aspect1" class="com......aspectclass" />
My question is how to specify more that one different package in expression(* package1...(..))**.
Right now I am declaring one separate pointcut for each package and in aspect one separate aop:before
and aop:after
entry for each pointcut. But I think this should be ideal way to define multiple packages pointcut.