
I need to add a property to my custom control that writes & reads values from the DB, but when the user changes the property value from properties box, it writes it on my page as attribute of my control.

How can I prevent Visual Studio from writing the property value on the page?

asp.net web server control? can you show some markup and the control class declaration?Davide Piras
What do you mean by "write on my page as attribute of my control"?Otiel
I mean that if i set value (ReadWriteDBValue) from properties window in visual studio it will add attribute to control in form like '<cc1:MyCTRL ID="Test" runat="server" ReadWriteDBValue="value" />' my objective is to save the value in DB Only, without adding this attribute to Control ElementSaif Khaled Omari

1 Answers


I think the DesignMode property of the Control class is what you are looking for:

    public string ReadWriteDBValue 
            if (!this.DesignMode)
                return GetValueFromDB();
                return string.Empty;
            if (!this.DesignMode)


There are certain cases where the DesignMode property will not help. Here is a post that talks more about the DesignMode property:


So in the past I've used the DesignMode property in combination with the System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.UsageMode property.

if (!this.DesignMode && System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.UsageMode != LicenseUsageMode.Designtime)
     //insert code that you do not want to be performed at design time.