You should use vertex buffer objects (VBOs) as the backing OpenGL structure for your vertex data. Then, the gesture must be converted to a series of positions (I don't know how that happens on your platform). These positions must then be pushed to the VBO with glBufferSubData
if the existing VBO is large enough or glBufferData
if the existing VBO is too small.
Using VBOs to draw lines or any other OpenGL shape is easy and many tutorials exist to accomplish it.
Based on your other question, you seem to be almost there! You already create VBOs like I mentioned but they are probably not large enough. The current size is sizeof(Vertices)
as specified in glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(Vertices), Vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
You need to change the size given to glBufferData to something large enough to hold all the original vertices + those added later. You should also use GL_STREAM
as the last argument (read up on the function).
To add a new vertex, use something like this :
glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, current_nb_vertices*3*sizeof(float), nb_vertices_to_add, newVertices);
current_nb_vertices += nb_vertices_to_add;
// drawing lines
glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, current_nb_vertices);
You don't need the indices in the element array to draw lines.